How can you order from us?

Telefonische Bestellung

Online order

You can order your desired products comfortably from home in our online shop. We will then send you your order via our logistics service providers.

Order by phone

Our customer support is available by telephone from 9:00 to 15:00 on working days. If you call outside our service hours, we will take your call in any case. We will call you back immediately. If you have any questions before placing your order by phone, we will be happy to advise you over the phone

Pick up in our warehouse in Hamburg

Many of our customers do not want to wait for the postman. We therefore offer you our service of the possibility of self-collection. Simply contact our support by phone or send us an e-mail. When you want to come by. We will then prepare your order, so that you do not have to wait too long.

If you are not sure about the size or brand of your order, you can also just come to our warehouse and try everything on. If everything fits and you like it, you can place your order on the spot and take your desired product with you. Our warehouse staff will be happy to welcome you and make you happy.